Remember Those who Hold the Ropes Steady

awarenessIndra wishes you  a healthy and happy season, full of joy and abundance.

We will be on a short break until early January, but will be back in 2009 with our regular posts and reminders.

Today’s reminder is to remember every one this Xmas who contributes to your success. Those people who hold your ropes steady as you work towards achieving your business results and/or progressing your career. It is easy to remember those around us, but what about those people who work quietly and often unseen.

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Spontaneous Recognition

A post by our Client Manager, Di Franklin.


Reward and retention is a very hot area at the moment. There are real skills shortages and it is essential that organisations move strongly to retain good, solid performers as well as their high performers. Much of this is handled in a planned manner, and maybe even managed centrally. However, it is also critical that the spontaneous recognition of continuous strong performance, as well of individual acts that go beyond your expectations.

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Management Skills: Winter Blues

winter blues

Watch out for winter blues.

During the cold weather of winter, many animals settle down for a long nap, birds fly north, and sales of hot chocolate peak.

It’s not just the coughs, sniffles and other winter illnesses that can lay your employees low – bad moods, weigh gain, insomnia and depression occur far more during those gloomy winter months.

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