Management and Leadership Skills: Supporting the Achievement of Goals

AwarenessI recently heard a manager discussing the nervousness his staff were experiencing about goal setting. They did not want to establish goals against which they could be judged. Inwardly I sighed.

Establishing goals for staff is about engaging them in the direction of the organisation, the journey to achieve the vision, the quality of the products or services, the customer experience, the culture of the organisation and the life journey of self development.

If a staff member fails to meet their goals, first look to the manager.

The role of the manager is then to support their staff to achieve their goals, through motivation, feedback, training, reward, providing resources and overcoming roadblocks and obstacles. If one of your staff members is not successful, ask yourself whether you have been supporting them sufficiently well. Are the goals appropriate for their role, experience and seniority?

What do they need from you to complete their goals?

Goals show staff where to place their effort. If you support that effort, they will be successful. If your staff are successful, you will be too.

Indra Process and Performance Consulting

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